Tuesday, Mar 4th 2025

On June 29th, 2013 I will be visiting the Autism Community Store in Denver, CO to talk about how to teach math facts to children. I will go over what children need to know before we ask them to memorize math facts, and I will show how to use strategies to help children learn the math facts. Signed copies of Two Plus Two Is Not Five, Five Times Five Is Not Ten, and Addition and Subtraction: Beyond Math Facts will be available for purchase in the store. If you have questions about how to teach math facts, be sure to visit the store between 11 AM and 2 PM that day!

For more information, contact the Autism Community Store.

7800 E. Iliff Ave., Suite J
Denver, CO  80231
FAX  800-416-9786
PH   303-309-3647

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Longevity Publishing
This is such a great series. My special needs child used both the Addition/Subtraction and the Multiplication/Division books and mastered the skills by doing one lesson each a day. The lessons are relatively easy and progress the student very slowly and systematically. There was almost no frustration. We tried a lot of approaches, and this was the absolute best.
Longevity Publishing Crane

Longevity Publishing

Longevity Publishing's books are perfect for differentiation. Lessons can be easily individualized for different learning abilities.

Parents, teachers, special education and math resource teachers, and homeschool educators will see that the clean design will appeal to both younger and older students.

If you are interested in any of our books for your school, catalog, retail or online store, please email Longevity Publishing for information: Info@LongevityPublishing.com.

Bookstores: Partners Book Distributing distributes our books too.
