Tuesday, Mar 4th 2025

At the end of last year, my distributor to large book stores, including Barnes & Noble bookstores, went out of business. That meant customers who shopped at these bookstores would have to find another place to purchase these math facts workbooks.

Barnes & Noble ordered recently placed an order for these math facts workbooks. Two Plus Two Is Not Five, Five Times Five Is Not Ten, Ten Divided by Five Is Not Five, and Addition and Subtraction: Beyond Math Facts are available again for purchase through BarnesAndNoble.com, or by stopping in  one of the stores and requesting the books. If a cashier tells you that they are unable to order, be sure to check with the Information Desk, because the store CAN order each of these books.

Each workbook was carefully written by an educator to make sure children have enough practice. The pages are cleanly designed and the books do not indicate a grade level. Therefore, young children learning addition and subtraction for the first time, or older students who need extra instruction, will feel comfortable using the worksheets. Children love the strategies which help them memorize and master math facts. See sample pages on this website, and print them to try out!

All the pages are perforated for easy tear-out, and for making copies for your homeschool or classroom.

If you need a workbook to help your children learn and memorize addition, subtraction, multiplication or division facts, ask for these books at your favorite book or educational store. They are also available through this website and at other online stores!

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Longevity Publishing
This is such a great series. My special needs child used both the Addition/Subtraction and the Multiplication/Division books and mastered the skills by doing one lesson each a day. The lessons are relatively easy and progress the student very slowly and systematically. There was almost no frustration. We tried a lot of approaches, and this was the absolute best.
Longevity Publishing Crane

Longevity Publishing

Longevity Publishing's books are perfect for differentiation. Lessons can be easily individualized for different learning abilities.

Parents, teachers, special education and math resource teachers, and homeschool educators will see that the clean design will appeal to both younger and older students.

If you are interested in any of our books for your school, catalog, retail or online store, please email Longevity Publishing for information: Info@LongevityPublishing.com.

Bookstores: Partners Book Distributing distributes our books too.
