Tuesday, Mar 4th 2025

Come visit Booth 419 at the Christian Home Educators
of Colorado Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference

Denver Merchandise Mart
451 E 58th Ave
Denver, CO
June 15-17, 2017

Purchase books or ask for tips on how to teach math facts. These unique math workbooks were written by an experienced special education teacher to help all children memorize and master math facts.

I will be there to show you strategies from my books; how Addition and Subtraction: Beyond Math Facts can be used with Two Plus Two Is Not Five; and how my newest book, Ten Divided by Five Is Not Five: Using Multiplication to Make Division Easy, can be used with Five Times Five Is Not Ten.

Learn an easy way to help children learn math facts so they really remember those answers.
When you purchase a book, ask to have it signed for your children!

The books are reproducible, so you only need one copy for  your homeschool.
Here is what some other homeschool families said:

3/30/17 – I needed a program that focused on retention and reinforcement, because my son was still counting on his fingers in 2nd grade. We started with the 1st book, and are now in the 3rd book, which is multiplication. My son said, “Mom, this is so easy!” He can do a page so fast, and I couldn’t be more pleased with how these books are written. They focus on making math fun and easy, and my child knows his math facts from memory…no more counting on fingers. I am forever grateful that these books are written by another teacher who knew first-hand how kids learn math! Donna, Lafayette, LA
1/30/17 – As a homeschool mom of four, I am always looking for the best way to teach my kids who all have different learning styles. I came across these math drill workbooks a couple of years ago when my oldest was struggling to memorize addition math facts. Since then, we have worked through addition, multiplication, and are now on the division workbook! The tricks are easy for them to remember and the daily drill practice is just perfect! Grateful we found them when we did! Sharae, A happy homeschool mom
7/16/15 – We got your program Tuesday and started right away. My daughter loves it. I think she has a whole new outlook on math. She will not dread having to do it next year and will not call herself stupid anymore. You are a miracle worker. I’m sure we will need the division book soon. As soon as, we finish addition, we are moving to multiplication. Thank you so much. One very happy mom! Stella Rodriguez
6/20/15 – We purchased 2+2 Is Not Five and have found it to be incredibly valuable to us. It gave us helpful tools to teach our children how to calculate math problems in their heads. Justin and Carla Neal (CHEC)

6/19/15 – After having used one of the more popular math courses, I needed a bridge to allow my child to master his math facts. 2+2 Is Not Five was the bridge I needed. Thank you so much! Anna, Homeschool mom of four boys. (CHEC)
11/25/14 – Five Times Five Is Not Ten is fun because it’s easy. I don’t usually need help, and it shows me how to do times tables easily. You can learn a lot about times tables in this book. Kailey E. Learley, 10 years old
6/15/13 – Testimonial received for Two Plus Two Is Not Five when I was at the CHEC Homeschool conference: We are a homeschooling family and enjoy working a page a day along with our other math curriculum to keep the facts fresh in our children’s minds. The tricks they have learned have stuck with them and Mom has even learned a few! Morgan 5 Homeschool

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Longevity Publishing
This is such a great series. My special needs child used both the Addition/Subtraction and the Multiplication/Division books and mastered the skills by doing one lesson each a day. The lessons are relatively easy and progress the student very slowly and systematically. There was almost no frustration. We tried a lot of approaches, and this was the absolute best.
Longevity Publishing Crane

Longevity Publishing

Longevity Publishing's books are perfect for differentiation. Lessons can be easily individualized for different learning abilities.

Parents, teachers, special education and math resource teachers, and homeschool educators will see that the clean design will appeal to both younger and older students.

If you are interested in any of our books for your school, catalog, retail or online store, please email Longevity Publishing for information: Info@LongevityPublishing.com.

Bookstores: Partners Book Distributing distributes our books too.
