Tuesday, Mar 4th 2025

I look forward to returning to the School Crossing store in Colorado Springs, CO. I was a visiting vendor there a number of years ago, and I will be there again on Friday, July 15th for their Super Sensational 20 Year Celebration. Teachers and parents who visit my table can see how these unique math facts workbooks […]

My granddaughters were on Spring Break last week. Their parents flew to Colorado and left the girls with us for a glorious week! (Glorious for both the parents and grandparents!) Besides the coloring, painting, and pasting craft activities, we visited the Denver Zoo and two wonderful parks on the sunny warm days, and played in the snow […]

This was posted many years ago on my Tips page, and I thought it might be a good idea to post it again on this Blog page. Math facts tested in a minute – What are these timed tests really testing? Adults often assign children tasks filled with rows of addition, subtraction or multiplication facts. Sometimes the […]

On Friday, October 11, 2013 from 3:30-4:40 pm at the Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics Fall 2013 Conference, I will be speaking on Math Fluency and Differentiation: Checklists, Assessments, Instruction, and Practice!  How important is fluency of basic math facts for success in school, and for solving problems in everyday life? What must students know before mastering basic addition and […]

Once children understand and have memorized these Addition Doubles facts, 1+1, 2+2, 3+3, 4+4, 5+5, 6+6, 7+7, 8+8, and 9+9, you can introduce these strategies to teach the following addition and multiplication facts 1. Number in the Middle: 1+3, 3+1, 2+4, 4+2, 3+5, 5+3, 4+6, 6+4, 5+7, 7+5, 6+8, 8+6, 7+9, 9+7 2. Double +1: 2+3, 3+2, […]

June 13-15, 2013 Susan will be a vendor exhibitor located at Booth 707 at the Christian Home Educators of Colorado Rocky Mountain Super Conference on the Family.

Teach the nines in multiplication with a fun and easy strategy. * Before asking students to memorize an answer, they need to show understanding of what the fact means. For example: 4 x 9 means four groups of 9. (Four rows of nine trees = 36 trees or four tables with nine children at each […]

From my teaching experience, I found when students are not fluent or proficient with addition and subtraction facts, meaning they have not memorized math facts, they will struggle with higher level math. If you work with students who still count to get answers to basic addition and subtraction facts, such as 8+7 and 15-9, you […]

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to talk about my math books at Mardel in Littleton, CO. I enjoyed meeting lots of homeschool moms and their children, and showing them some fun tricks and strategies that help with learning math facts. Some classroom teachers also stopped by to hear about the books-some were allowed to purchase […]

Date posted: July 19, 2008 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: homeschool learning math facts math facts mastery


Longevity Publishing
This is such a great series. My special needs child used both the Addition/Subtraction and the Multiplication/Division books and mastered the skills by doing one lesson each a day. The lessons are relatively easy and progress the student very slowly and systematically. There was almost no frustration. We tried a lot of approaches, and this was the absolute best.
Longevity Publishing Crane

Longevity Publishing

Longevity Publishing's books are perfect for differentiation. Lessons can be easily individualized for different learning abilities.

Parents, teachers, special education and math resource teachers, and homeschool educators will see that the clean design will appeal to both younger and older students.

If you are interested in any of our books for your school, catalog, retail or online store, please email Longevity Publishing for information: Info@LongevityPublishing.com.

Bookstores: Partners Book Distributing distributes our books too.
