Wednesday, Mar 5th 2025


Past Events

October 2016

Store Visit and Book Signing in Washington, D.C.

Friday, October 14
Sullivan’s Toy Store
4200 Wisconsin Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20016
202. 362. 1343
Time: 2:30-3:30 pm

The author will be available to show how these unique math facts workbooks are different from typical practice books; explain some of the strategies from the books; and give you tips to teach students to memorize math facts.
Learn how to start a math facts program.
Purchase a book and have it signed for your student.

May 2016

Store Visit and Book Signing in Plantation, Florida
Friday, May 13, 2016
3:30-4:30 pm
Teacher Tools
23 N StateRoad 7
Plantation, Fl 33317

Colorado author, Susan Greenwald, M.A. Ed., will show you some strategies from Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy and Two Plus Two Is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction.

See how the book, Addition and Subtraction: Beyond Math Facts, can be used with Two Plus Two Is Not Five, and the newest book, Ten Divided by Five Is Not Five: Using Multiplication to Make Division Easy, can be used with Five Times Five Is Not Ten.

Susan is also the author of How to Teach Math Facts, and will answer your questions about teaching math facts to children. Learn how to assess which facts your child needs to learn.
Purchase a book, and have it signed for your children. Perfect for summer break or year-round.

June 2015

Book Signing at Vendor Booth June 18-20, 2015
CHEC Christian Home Educators of Colorado Rocky Mountain Super Conference on the Family

Denver Merchandise Mart
451 E 58th Ave
Denver, CO
June 18-20, 2015

Colorado author, Susan Greenwald, M.A. Ed., will be a vendor at CHEC. She will show you some strategies from her award-winning books, Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy and Two Plus Two Is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction. See how the book Addition and Subtraction: Beyond Math Facts can be used with Two Plus Two Is Not Five, and the newest book, Ten Divided by Five Is Not Five: Using Multiplication to Make Division Easy can be used with Five Times Five Is Not Ten.

Visit Booth A-2 in Zone 5:

Susan is also the author of How to Teach Math Facts, and will answer your questions about teaching math facts to children. Learn how to assess which facts your child needs to learn.
Purchase a book, and have it signed for your children.


Presentation at Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics

I will be giving a presentation titled Math Fluency and Differentiation: Checklists, Assessments, Instruction, and Practice! For K-5 teachers.

How important is fluency of basic math facts for success in school, and for solving problems in everyday life? What must students know before mastering basic addition and subtraction facts? We will answer those questions, and see how checklists, assessments, instruction and structured practice can assist you in differentiating math lessons. Teachers in K-5 will find the presentation beneficial.

Friday, October 11th, 2013 at 3:30 pm in room G38 at the Denver Merchandise Mart. Let me know if you have questions!

JULY  2013

Store Visit and Book Signing in California

Susan will sign copies of Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy, Two Plus Two Is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction, and Addition and Subtraction: Beyond Math Facts and show how the strategies in her books help children learn math facts. Perfect for summer break!

Saturday, July 13, 2013
11 AM-12 PM
Golden Apple Learning Store
4807 Hopyard Road
Pleasanton, CA 94588

 Author Visit to Autism Community Store June 29, 2013

Have you wondered if there is an easy way to help children memorize those addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts? Colorado author, Susan Greenwald, M.A. Ed., will be making an author visit to the Autism Community Store in Denver, CO on June 29th, 2013. She will show you some tricks and strategies from her award-winning books, Five Times Five Is Not Ten and Two Plus Two Is Not Five.  She will also show you how you can set up an easy way to teach math facts to children! Her latest book Addition and Subtraction: Beyond Math Facts can be used with Two Plus Two Is Not Five.  

Autism Community Store
11 AM to 2 PM
Saturday, June 29th, 20143
7800 E. Iliff Ave., Suite J
Denver, CO  80231
PH   303-309-3647

June 2013

Book Signing at Vendor Booth June 13-15, 2013
CHEC Christian Home Educators of Colorado Rocky Mountain Super Conference on the Family

Denver Merchandise Mart
451 E 58th Ave
Denver, CO
June 13th-15th 2013

Colorado author, Susan Greenwald, M.A. Ed., will be a vendor at CHEC. She will show you some tricks and strategies from her award-winning books, Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy and Two Plus Two Is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction. Come see how her latest book Addition and Subtraction: Beyond Math Facts can be used with Two Plus Two Is Not Five. She will answer your questions about teaching math facts to children.

MAY 2012

Homeschool Event at Mardel Christian Book Store in Littleton, CO

4887 S Wadsworth Blvd 303.904.6015
Monday, May 14th, 2012
11 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Susan will be in the store from 11 a.m. until noon to sign copies of her books, and will speak to homeschool parents from 11:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. about teaching math facts.

Come to the presentation at 11:15 am! Learn how you can help your children become proficient with math facts. Math facts are the keys that open the doors to being able to solve harder computation and word problems.

Timed math fact tests do not teach math facts. Strategies do!

The talk will include:

  • How to assess which math facts are known.
  • Oral and written practice sessions.
  • Strategies to use when teaching new facts.
  • Using known facts within the rest of the math curriculum,
    such as with regrouping or word math problems.
  • Use the Contact Form to email Susan with questions you would like her to address.


Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference

Friday, October 28th, 2011 at the Denver Merchandise Mart
11 A.M.-12 P.M.

Title: Two Plus Two Is Not Five

How important is fluency of basic math facts for success in school,
and solving problems in everyday life? What must students know
before mastering basic addition and subtraction facts? We will
answer these questions, and see how checklists, assessments,
instruction, and practice can assist you in differentiating math

Planning to attend?
Email your questions, and I will address or answer during Q & A.

June 2011

Book signing at Learning Palace in Beaverton, Oregon

Have questions about teaching math facts? Author, Susan Greenwald, M.A. Ed. will sign copies of Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy and Two Plus Two Is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction, and show how the tricks and strategies in these books help students learn math facts.

June 18, 2011
11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Canyon Place Mall
3861 SW 117th
Beaverton, OR 97005

March 2011

2011 Tucson Festival of Books

University of Arizona Alumni Authors tent
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ
Sunday, March 13, 2011
12:30 PM

Susan will talk about why she wrote Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy, and show how the strategies in the book help children learn multiplication. Book signing to follow.

October 2009

Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Denver, CO
Friday, October 9
Susan will present two sessions:

1-2 P.M. How to Teach Math Facts 1 on 1: Special education and resource teachers will learn steps to set up and implement individualized plans to teach automaticity of math facts. This session covers assessment, record- keeping, worksheets, and integrating the known facts into math curriculum lessons so that children practice and learn with success.

2:15-3:15 P.M. Two Plus Two Is NOT Five!: Fluency with math facts is essential for learning more advanced math skills.  This quick-paced session focuses on the tricks, strategies, and worksheets to teach children how to remember the addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts.  Come prepared to learn ways to help your students become automatic with these math facts.

Two Plus Two is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction, and Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy will be available for purchase following the presentations.


Book signing in California

Susan will sign copies of Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy and Two Plus Two Is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction, and show how the strategies in her books help children learn math facts.

Thursday, December 3, 2008
4:30-5:30 PM
Golden Apple Learning Store
4807 Hopyard Road
Pleasanton, CA 94588

Asilomar Conference
California Mathematics Council

Pacific Grove
Saturday, December 5
3:30-5 P.M.

This quick-paced session focuses on strategies and worksheets to teach children to remember addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts. If you want students to know facts automatically, be ready to learn a lot of tricks. Also included are how to assess your whole class to determine which facts to teach, and integrating known math facts when teaching new math skills so that children practice and learn with success.

APRIL 2009

Maestro’s Teaching Tools

RSVP required! Call 303.447.1600
Workshop for parents
Sunday, April 26
11 AM
2095 30th Street
Boulder, CO 80301

Helping Children Learn Math Facts  
Have you always wanted to know what you could do to help your child memorize math facts? Once you get started, you and your child will see that it does not take up a lot of time, and it is easy, and even fun to learn math facts. You will learn how to assess what your child knows, keep good records, use practice worksheets, and learn some strategies and tricks to teach new facts.
Suggested reproducible commercial products:
Two Plus Two Is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction
Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy.

Saturday, April 25
1-3 PM
Borders Longmont
1101 S. Hover Street
Longmont, CO 80501
Phone: 303.684.6446

Help Children Succeed in Math
Colorado author, Susan Greenwald, M.A. Ed., will show you some tricks and strategies from her award-winning books, Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy and Two Plus Two Is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction, and answer your questions about teaching math facts to children.

MARCH 2009

Book Signings
Educator Appreciation Weekend

Friday, March 20
6-8 PM
Borders Stapleton
8230 E 49th Avenue
Denver, CO 80238
Phone: 303.227.1122


Asilomar Conference
California Mathematics Council

Pacific Grove 
Friday, December 5
1:30 P.M.

Teach Fluency of Math Facts 1:1 Teachers working with small groups of children will learn steps to set up and implement individualized plans to teach automaticity of math facts. Two Plus Two is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction and Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy will be available for purchase following her presentation.

Book signings in California

Susan will sign copies of Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy and Two Plus Two Is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction, and show how the strategies in her books help children learn math facts.

Friday, December 5, 2008
5:30-7 PM
Borders Monterey Peninsula/Sand City
Edgewater Center
Sand City, California 93955

Saturday, December 6, 2008
2-3 PM
Golden Apple Learning Store
4807 Hopyard Road
Pleasanton, CA 94588


Book Signing
Educator Appreciation Weekend

Friday, October 3
5-7 PM
Borders Flatiron
1 West Flatiron Crossing Drive
Broomfield, CO 80021
Phone: 303.466.4044

Susan will be there with her books, Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy and Two Plus Two Is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction, to show how to help children learn math facts.


Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Denver, CO
Friday, September 26
Susan will present two sessions: Children CAN Master the Multiplication Facts and Teaching Fluency of Math Facts 1:1

She will also be a vendor-exhibitor for her award-winning workbook, Two Plus Two is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction, and her latest book, Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy. Books will also be available for purchase following her presentation.

August 2008

Book signing

Saturday, August 2, 2008
12:30-2 PM
7320 W. Bell Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85308

Susan will be there with her books, Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy and Two Plus Two Is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction, to show how to help children learn the math facts.

Book signing

Monday, August 4, 2008
12:45-2:15 PM
Learning Is Fun
12643 N. 48th St.
Phoenix, AZ 85032
Phone: 602.996.4660

Susan will be there with her books, Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy and Two Plus Two Is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction, to show how to help children learn the math facts.

July 2008

Book signing

Thursday July 17, 2008
10-1 PM
Mardel Christian and Education
4887 S. Wadsworth Way
Littleton, CO 80123

Susan will be there with her books, Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy and Two Plus Two Is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction, to show how to help children learn the math facts.

Book signing

Saturday, July 19, 2008
2-4 PM
6606 S. Parker Road
Aurora, CO 80016
Phone: 303.680.4023

Susan will be there with her latest book, Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy, to show how to help children learn multiplication facts.

JUNE 2008

Book signing

Saturday, June 7, 2008
1-3 PM
Borders Flatiron
1 West Flatiron Crossing Drive
Broomfield, CO 80021
Phone: 303.466.4044

Susan will be there with her latest book, Five Times Five Is Not Ten: Make Multiplication Easy, to show how to help children learn multiplication facts.

Summer Workshops

Tuesday, June 24th
10:30 -12:30 and 2-3:30 pm
Knowledge Bound
1045 Main Street
Windsor, CO 80550
Call for information and to register: 970.674.2997
Presented by Susan Greenwald

DESCRIPTION:  Every child should have an opportunity to master the math facts.  This is the perfect class for Special Education Teachers, Math Resource Teachers, Homeschool Educators and anyone working with small groups of children.  Participants will learn steps to set up and implement individualized plans to teach automatic recall of the math facts.  This session covers assessment, record-keeping, use of practice worksheets, how to teach new math facts with strategies or tricks, and integrating the known math facts when introducing new math skills so that children practice and learn with success.


Book signing

Monday, January 21, 2008
11 AM – 1 PM
Borders Boulder
1750 29th Street
Boulder, CO 80301
Phone: 720.565.8266

Susan will be there with her award-winning book, Two Plus Two is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction, to show how you can help children memorize addition and subtraction facts.


Asilomar Conference
California Mathematics Council

Pacific Grove
Friday, November 30
1:30 P.M. Children CAN Master the Math Facts

Susan will talk about the importance of math facts mastery; how to teach automaticity of the math facts; methods and tricks for children to remember the addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts; integrating the known facts into the math curriculum lessons; and how to introduce division. Two Plus Two is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction will be available for purchase following her presentation.

Book signing

Friday, November 30, 2007
6-7 PM
Borders Monterey Peninsula/Sand City
Edgewater Center
Sand City, California 93955

Using tricks from her award-winning workbook, Two Plus Two is Not Five, Susan will show some ways to help children memorize addition and subtraction facts.


Susan will talk about some addition and subtraction tricks from her award-winning workbook, Two Plus Two is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction.

Saturday, December 1, 2007
1-2 P.M.
Golden Apple Learning Store
4807 Hopyard Road
Pleasanton, CA 94588


Arizona Association of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference

Tempe, AZ
Saturday, September 29

10:50 am Children CAN Master Addition and Subtraction Facts
Description: This presentation covers the importance of math facts mastery; how to individualize a math facts program; methods and tricks to help children remember the addition and subtraction facts; use of practice and review sheets; and how to integrate the known facts when introducing new math skills. Two Plus Two is Not Five: Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction will be
available for purchase.

2:20 pm Children CAN Master Multiplication and Division Facts
Description: This presentation covers the importance of math facts mastery; how to individualize a math facts program; methods and tricks to help children remember the multiplication and division facts; use of practice and review sheets; and how to integrate the known facts when introducing new math skills.


2007 Annual Conference of the Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Denver, CO
Friday, October 5

Susan will be a presenter on the topic: Children CAN Master the Multiplication Facts.
She will also be a vendor-exhibitor to explain some of the math tricks from her award-winning workbook, Two Plus Two is Not Five. Books will be available for purchase in her booth. 

JULY 2007

Beyond the Blackboard

Saturday, July 14
Learn tricks from Susan’s book, Two Plus Two is Not Five:  Easy Methods to Learn Addition and Subtraction, to help any student master math facts.

MARCH 2007

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Susan will be a vendor-exhibitor at the Math on the Planes math conference presented by The Colorado Council for Learning Disabilities

Conference Center
1500 E. 128 th Avenue
Thornton , CO 80241

Susan will be available to explain some of the math tricks from her award-winning workbook, Two Plus Two is Not Five. She will also share her tips to individualize a math facts program. Books will be available for purchase.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Borders Educator Savings Week

Borders – Flatiron Crossing 2-3:30 pm
1 W. Flatiron Crossing Village
Broomfield , Colorado 80021

Susan will sign her book and talk about some of the math tricks from her award-winning workbook Two Plus Two is Not Five.


Susan will talk about some addition and subtraction tricks from her from her award-winning workbook Two Plus Two is Not Five.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

1-3 p.m.
Learning is Fun
12643 N. 48 th Street
Phoenix , Arizona 85032

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Paradise Valley Borders 3:30-5 pm

4555 E. Cactus Rd.
Phoenix , AZ   85032

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Waterfront Borders 12:30-2 pm

7135 E. Camelback Rd.
Scottsdale , AZ   85251


Book signing

Friday, December 1, 2006
4-6 PM
2080 California Avenue
Sand City, California 93955

Susan Greenwald will discuss some addition and subtraction tricks in her book: Two Plus Two is Not Five.

Presentations on Children CAN Master the Math Facts

California Mathematics Council
2006 Asilomar Mathematics Conference

Saturday, December 2, 2006
2 PM and 4 PM

Susan Greenwald will talk about the importance of math facts mastery; steps to set up individualized programs to teach automaticity of the math facts; methods and tricks to remember the math facts; and integrating the known facts into the math curriculum lessons.


Presentation on Children CAN Master the Math Facts

Koelbel Library
Tuesday, Nov. 14, 7 PM
5955 S. Holly Street
Centennial, Colorado

Susan Greenwald will talk about the importance of math facts mastery, some addition and subtraction tricks from her book: Two Plus Two is Not Five, and how to help children remember the math facts . For questions or more information, call 720.489.7243, or email email Susan at:

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Longevity Publishing
This is such a great series. My special needs child used both the Addition/Subtraction and the Multiplication/Division books and mastered the skills by doing one lesson each a day. The lessons are relatively easy and progress the student very slowly and systematically. There was almost no frustration. We tried a lot of approaches, and this was the absolute best.
Longevity Publishing Crane

Longevity Publishing

Longevity Publishing's books are perfect for differentiation. Lessons can be easily individualized for different learning abilities.

Parents, teachers, special education and math resource teachers, and homeschool educators will see that the clean design will appeal to both younger and older students.

If you are interested in any of our books for your school, catalog, retail or online store, please email Longevity Publishing for information:

Bookstores: Partners Book Distributing distributes our books too.
